Storytime: Hugs!
“You never forget the first time you hug your child. Holding them in your arms and feeling the warmth of their body is a wonderful experience. There’s nothing like it! But did you know there are scientific benefits besides feeling all warm and fuzzy? It’s true.” To discover the science behind hugging and some great activities, click here.
Join us Monday, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
Using books and stories to help children think of their own solutions to problems helps them develop develop problem solving skills. Researchers have found that having ideas for tackling problems helps children in learning new tasks and handling social situations.
Find a book that revolves around a problem-solving situation to read with your child such as Karma Wilson’s, “Bear’s New Friend.” Introduce the book by setting up the problem. Then, when you approach the problem, ask your child what she might do to solve the situation. You can also read through the whole book and go back to the problem.
Books Presented

Hug Machine by Scott Campbell

Hug by Jez Alborough

Don't Hug Doug (He Doesn't Like It) by Carrie Finison
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
Looking for a Hug!
I’m looking for something warm and snug,
You open your arms and give a great big _______________!
(Pull out each goofy answer from the magic hat until you give the right one! (a great big HUG).
I Can Hug
I can hug, hug, hug
I can hop, hop, hop
I can kiss, kiss, kiss
I can stop, stop, stop
I can nod my head for yes,
And I can shake my head no,
And I can sit down very slow.
I Have a Little Heart
I have a little heart (place hand over heart])
It goes thump, thump, thump (pat chest 3X)
It beats even faster when I jump, jump, jump (jump 3X)
I get a special feeling when I look at you (point to eyes, then audience)
It makes me want to give you a hug or two! (Hug yourself)
Crafts and Activities

Tigger and Winnie the Pooh love hugs!

A hugging craft ♥
Additional Books

One Hug by Katrina Moore

If You're Groovy and You Know It, Hug a Friend! by Eric Litwin

Hug? by Charlene Chua
How many hugs is too many? This girl’s had enough! This humorous picture book explores compassion and the importance of setting boundaries. After coughing up a hairball, a girl’s cat doesn’t feel well. So the girl offers to give her cat a hug, which makes the cat — and the girl — feel better. More and more animals ask for hugs… How much more of this can she take? The story shows how important hugs can be to our happiness — even the most unlikely of creatures sometimes need one! — but that doesn’t mean they’re always welcome.