Story Time: Fashion!
Lights! Camera! It’s fashion! This week we learned that “F” is for fashion, and “fashion” can help you express how you are feeling, where you want to go, and what is good for the weather outside.
Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM – Online on Facebook
Ages 2-5
Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play
“Dress-up play allows anyone to dream, hope, and use their imagination. It gives kids permission to pretend to be someone or something different and extraordinary that reflects their personality and current interests and promotes more independence by allowing kids to practice self-care skills.”
Gather a bunch of clothes and have a dress-up fashion show. Talk about what each clothing item is used for, what weather would be good in which to wear it, and where you might go in each outfit. You can also take some old clothes and “remake” them into something new!
Books Presented

Bling Blaine: Throw Glitter, Not Shade by Rob Sanders

The Nuts: Sing and Dance in Your Polka Dot Pants by Erik Litwin

Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London
Love grows between two ducklings as they bill and coo around the farmyard.

Ella Sarah Gets Dressed by Margaret Chodos-Irvine
Despite the advice of others in her family, Ellah Sarah persists in wearing the striking and unusual outfit of her own choosing.
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays
The Nuts: Sing and Dance in Your Polka Dot Pants
I’m Going to Take a Sweater
(Tune: Jolly Good Fellow)
I’m going to take a sweater, a sweater, a sweater
I’m going to take a sweater when I go out today
When I go out today, when I go out today
I’m going to take a sweater when I go out today
(Additional: Umbrella, hat, raincoat, etc.)
Old Shoes, New Shoes
Old shoes, new shoes,
(Child) is wearing (description) shoes
One, two, three four,
Now I stomp them on the floor!
Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page
Print out this coloring page activity!

Pick up these fashion story time kits today.
Additional Books

Shoe-la-la! by Karen Beaumont

Crafts for Styling Your Wardrobe by Susannah Blake
A variety of crafts for kids to make their clothes their own. Includes upcycling old clothes and basic sewing stitches.

Along Came Coco by Eva Byrne

Sadie and the Silver Shoes by Jane Godwin
Family members try various ways to cheer up their grouchy bulldog.