Story Time – Berry Delicious

by | Sep 8, 2020 | Blog, Story Time | 0 comments

What starts with the letter “B” and is delicious in a pie? Berries! This week in Online Story Time, we read books, sang songs, and learned a berry fine rhyme. As an extension, go to the farmer’s market and see how many types of berries are being sold. You might also bake a berry pie together.

Join us live Tuesdays at 10:30 AM  – Online on Facebook

Ages 2-5

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play


When you enjoy a book, let your children know that you like it and why. Sharing your enjoyment gives them a positive attitude toward books. This positive attitude will influence them when they get to school and learn to read. Let your child choose books and tell you why he likes them.

- Lambert


Read Jamberry by Bruce Degan or another book you enjoy. As you introduce the book, make sure you say why you like it. For example, if you read Jamberry say, “ I love this book because there are berries all over, and you can totally rock out to the jamberry beat.”

Books Presented

Jamberry by Bruce Degen

 A little boy walking in the forest meets a big lovable bear that takes him on a delicious berry-picking adventure in the magical world of Berryland.

One Little Blueberry by Tammi Salzano

One little blueberry can cause a lot of trouble! Two ants, three ladybugs, four caterpillars, and more hungry bugs all want it for themselves. Who will get the tasty snack?

Bear Sees Colors by Karma Wilson

 Explore colors with Bear in the first of a new concept picture book series from the “New York Times “bestselling creators of “Bear Snores On.” Colors, colors everywhere! Can you find colors just like Bear?

More Blueberries! by Susan Musgrave

These young twins can’t get enough of their favorite snack—and they aren’t the only ones!

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Jamberry Flannel Rhyme

Under the bridge and over the dam
Looking for berries, berries for jam
One berry, two berries, pick me a blueberry.

Under the bridge and over the dam
Looking for berries, berries for jam
Three berries, four berries, pick me a strawberry.

Under the bridge and over the dam
Looking for berries, berries for jam
Five berries, six berries, pick me a blackberry.

Under the bridge and over the dam
Looking for berries, berries for jam
Seven berries, eight berries, pick me a gooseberry.

Under the bridge and over the dam
Looking for berries, berries for jam
Nine berries, ten berries, pick me a raspberry.


Pick Berries High

(Tune: Peas Porridge Hot)

Pick berries high (reach up high)
Pick berries low (reach down low)
Pick berries on the bush, nine in a row (clap 9x)
Some like them red (raise one hand to side palm up)
Some like them blue (raise other hand palm up)
Here’s one for me- yum! (pretend to eat berry)
And here’s one for you (hold out hand)

– Adapted from Artsy Toddler Storytimes and

Pop Goes the Berry

(Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel)

All around the strawberry fields,
We picked some juicy berries
We brought them home and washed them off,
Pop! Go the berries! (have kids jump up on “pop”)

– Jbrary and Storytime Katie

Picked a Berry

(Tune: Clementine)
Picked a blueberry, picked a blueberry (picking motion)
That was growing in the sun
(circle arms above head)
Then I washed it and I ate it (pretend to eat)
And I picked another one

Crafts and Activities

Coloring Page

Print out this coloring page or color it online!

Woven Strawberries

Practice weaving with this strawberry craft.

Additional Books

Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

  Little Sal and Little Bear both lose their mothers while eating blueberries and almost end up with the other’s mother.

Munch Your Lunch! adapted by Becky Friedman

 It’s lunchtime at Daniel Tiger’s school. Daniel Tiger’s lunch box has a sandwich, strawberries, a snack, and a special surprise: a note from Dad Tiger!

Pie in the Sky by Lois Ehlert

A father and child watch the cherry tree in their back yard, waiting until there are ripe cherries to bake in a pie. Includes a recipe for cherry pie.

Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin

As he walks down the street, Pete the cat sings about his brand new white shoes as they change from red to blue to brown to wet.

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