Book Babies + Toddler Time: Construction Site

by | Sep 9, 2021 | Blog, Book Babies, Kid's Corner, Toddler Time | 0 comments

Having fun and learning in the construction zone!

Book Babies: Wednesday @ 9:45am in Community Room

Ages 0 – 10 months

Toddler Time: Monday & Tuesday @ 9:45am in Community Room

Ages 11 – 23 months

Welcome Songs

Here We Are Together

Here we are together, together, together! Oh, here we are together in our library. There’s (sing names)… Here we are together in our library!

Hello Everybody

Hello everybody let’s clap our hands*, clap our hands, clap our hands. Hello everybody let’s clap our hands today! *pat our head, stretch up high, wiggle our fingers, tickle our knees, kick our feet, bounce up high!

S, T, R, W, P

(Sing while pointing to each finger on your child’s hand.) Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play! Sing, talk, read, write, play each day!

Sing, Talk, Read, Write, Play

Tip: Singing to your children is very important, and it doesn’t matter if you sing in English or another language. In one scientific study, babies as young as one week could distinguish their mother’s voice from a group of other female voices. Children love being sung to by their parents, and such singing helps to trigger their speech development. So, sing aloud to your children at home in any language you like.

- Lambert


Create a “Favorites” or core nursery song list to sing with your child every day, then you can add other songs that match with books you like to read together.

Books Presented

Construction by Sally Sutton

Hoist the wood. Hoist the wood. Chain and hook and strap. Swing it round, then lower it down. Thonk! Clonk! Clap! Build the frame. Build the frame. Hammer all day long. Make the stairs and floors and walls. Bing! Bang! Bong!

Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker

As the sun sets behind the big construction site, all the hardworking trucks get ready to say goodnight. One by one, Crane Truck, Cement Mixer, Dump Truck, Bulldozer, and Excavator finish their work and lie down to rest—so they’ll be ready for another day of rough and tough construction play!

I'm Dirty by Kate and Jim McMullan

A busy backhoe loader describes all the items it hauls off a lot and all the fun it has getting dirty while doing so.

Five Trucks by Brian Floca

Five different trucks do five different jobs to get an airplane ready for takeoff.

Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays

Bumpity Bumpity Goes the Dump Truck

Bumpity, bumpity goes the dump truck
Bumpity, bumpity goes the dump truck
bBumpity, bumpity goes the dump truck
Dump out the load.

Dump Truck

Dump truck, dump truck
Bumping down the road,
bounce baby on lap
Spilling gravel with our heavy load!
rock baby back & forth on lap
Dump truck, dump truck
Bumping down the road,
bounce baby on lap
Spilling gravel,
rock baby back & forth on lap
And now it’s time to DUMP!
tip baby backward, or lift in air

Scoop and Dump

Tune to “Skip to My Lou”

Scoop! Goes ditch digger in the dirt.
(Bend low, raise arms high)
Scoop! Goes ditch digger in the dirt.
Scoop! Goes ditch digger in the dirt.
Scoop up all the dirt!
Reach up high with the crane.
(Cup hands, hold high)
Reach up high with the crane.
Reach up high with the crane.
Hold the dirt up high!
Dump the dirt into the truck.
(Reach high, drop hands to knees)
Dump the dirt into the truck.
Dump the dirt into the truck.
Haul it all away!

Hello Bubbles

Hello bubbles, hello bubbles
come and land, come and land
right in the middle, right in the middle
of my hand, of my hand.
Goodbye bubbles, goodbye bubbles
time to go, time to go
I will help you, I will help you
with a blow, with a blow.

Rainbows in My Bubbles

Tune to “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round the Mountain “

I’ve got rainbows in my bubbles, yes I do.
I’ve got rainbows in my bubbles, yes I so.
When I blow up towards the sun,
They have rainbows, every one.
I’ve got rainbows in my bubbles, yes I do

Baby Sign Language


“All Done”

Additional Books

Vroom, Vroom, Trucks! by Karen Katz


In this book “little ones can lift the flaps at the construction site to reveal bulldozers, dump trucks, and more things that build!”

Construction: a Lift the Flap Book by Roger Priddy

There’s a lot of building going on in Playtown! There is so much to explore, learn, and discover inside this busy, busy book – diggers are digging holes, materials are being delivered, and roads are being laid. On every page there are fun flaps to lift which tell children more about the picture above, and at the back of the book is a big page to fold out that reveals a bustling construction scene

Roadword by Sally Sutton

Rhyming text and illustrations show how a road is made, from planning to moving dirt, laying asphalt, putting up signs, and landscaping.

Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? by Brianna Caplan Sayres

Discover what bedtime looks like for the snowplows, dump trucks, giant cranes, and more that dot the pages of this irresistible construction story. Just like you and me, the vehicles in this story get tuckered out after a long day of hard work and need to quiet down and settle in for sweet dreams. Young readers will surely identify as these trucks ask for one more story while their parents sing them a goodnight song and send them off to bed

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