Story Time – May 5, 2020
Story Time – May 5, 2020
10:30 am ONLINE on Facebook – ages 2 to 5
In our storytime trip around the world, Cody has lost his umbrella!
That might come in handy if we have to go to the rainforest. Make sure you fill out your passport and come along with us.
Do you know what animals live in the rainforest? Does it really have four layers like a huge cake? Find out in the following books and activities.
Parent tip: when watching a read-aloud video with your children, try muting the volume and reading the story with your child.
For the next three weeks in online storytime, we will visit four different biomes around the world. We have included a link to print off a passport so the children can keep a record of all the places we will visit.
Early Literacy Tip and Activity:
Scientific studies of the brain suggest that a child’s natural approach to learning is through play. Songs about weather can be followed by games. Tell your child what you are doing as you pretend you are twirling an umbrella or stomping in rain puddles
Open an umbrella before singing songs about the such as, “Rain, Rain Go Away,” or “It’s Raining, it’s Pouring.” Talk about what an umbrella is used for, and show your child how to twirl the umbrella while singing.
Books Presented
Look at Me! Look at Me!
by Rose Williamson
Cammy Chameleon has been blending in all her life to help her catch bugs, but lately it seems like no one is paying attention to her. One day, Cammy has an idea!
Find it in our Catalog
by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
Two orangutans jump to grab mangoes, and land in an orangu-tangle. It’s gummy and gooey, and grows gummier and gooier as other animals join the mess. How are they are all going to get cleaned up?
Find it in our Catalog
I Am a Tiger
by Karl Newson & Ross Collins
Mouse believes he is a tiger, and he convinces Fox, Raccoon, Snake, and Bird he’s one, too! But when a real tiger shows up, can Mouse keep up his act?
Over in the Jungle: A Rainforest Rhyme
by Marianne Berks
Count, clap, and sing among enchanting rainforest animals to the rhythm of the whimsical children’s favorite, “Over in the Meadow.”
Find it in our Catalog
Songs, Rhymes and Fingerplays
Two Little Butterflies
2 Little butterflies sitting on a hill.
One named Jack, the other named Jill.
Fly away Jack, fly away Jill.
Come back Jack, come back Jill.
Two little butterflies sitting on a cloud.
One named Soft, the other named Loud.
Fly away Soft, fly away Loud.
Come back Soft, come back Loud.
Two Little butterflies sitting on a stick.
One name Slow, the other named Quick.
Fly away Slow, fly away Quick.
Come back Slow, come back Quick.
Two little butterflies flying in the sky.
One name Low, the other named High.
Fly away Low, fly away High.
Come back Low, come back High!
– Jbrary.com
Five Green Speckled Frogs
Five green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating the MOST delicious bugs, yum! yum!
One jumped into the pool,
where it was nice and cool,
Now there are four green speckled frogs!
Four… three… two… one…
Then there were NO more speckled frogs!
– Traditional
The Ants go Marching
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching 2 by 2, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching 3 by 3,
The little one stops to climb a tree.
And they all go marching down,
To the ground, to get out, of the rain.
…four… five……six…pick up sticks…
…seven……eight……nine…check the time…
…ten…say “The End!”
– https://kcls.org/content/ants-go-marching/
Craft Activities

Do a rainforest fine motor activity with clothespins and paint sticks
Turn a paper towel roll into a DIY Rainstick with this fun idea!