Story Time – July 7th 2020
Story Time – July 7th, 2020
10:30 am ONLINE on Facebook – ages 2 to 5
We met Mr. Pig and Mr. Wolf in story time this week. They helped us act out the familiar fairy tale, “The Three Little Pigs.” See if you can remember the story, too. Print off the stick puppets from the link below, color and cut them out, and create your own puppet show!
Early Literacy Tip and Activity:
As children mature, they realize that certain behaviors cause certain responses. Having good manners means responding politely to people when they address you, and this rhyme helps children practice polite greetings.
Try acting out the fingerplay, “Two Fat Gentlemen.” Start by holding your fists behind your back with your thumbs extended. Then move your thumbs appropriately while reciting the rhyme. You may want to put small rounds sticker at the end of each thumb. You can also practice this rhyme with a friend saying, “How do you do?” to one another.
Books Presented
The Three Little Pigs
adapted by Mara Alperin
Three little pigs set off to build themselves new homes. But someone big and bad soon comes looking for a tasty piggy snack… Can the pigs outwit the wicked wolf?
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The Three Ninja Pigs
by Corey Rosen Schwartz
In this twist on “The Three Little Pigs,” Pig One and Two neglect their ninja school martial arts training and are no match for the wolf, but Pig Three’s practice and dedication saves the day. Includes glossary of Japanese martial arts terms.
Find it in Our Catalog
Si Le Haces una Fiesta a una Cerdita
por Laura Numeroff; traducido por Teresa Mlawer
Una cosa lleva a otra cuando le das a un cerdo una fiesta.
Encuéntralo en nuestro catálogo
If You Give a Pig a Party
by Laura Numeroff
One thing leads to another when you give a pig a party.
Find it in Our Catalog
Songs, Rhymes and Fingerplays
The Tail of the Pig
(sung to The Wheels on the Bus)
The tail of the pig curls round and round
Round and round, round and round
The tail of the pig curls round and round
All through the mud!
The mouth of the pig goes oink oink oink
Oink oink oink, oink oink oink
The mouth of the pig goes oink oink oink
All through the mud!
The nose of the pig goes root root root
Root root root, root root root
The nose of the pig goes root root root
All through the mud!
The hooves of the pig go run run run
Run run run, run run run
The hooves of the pig go run run run
All through the mud!
The ears of the pig go twitch twitch twitch
Twitch twitch twitch, twitch twitch twitch
The ears of the pig go twitch twitch twitch
All through the mud!
– Storytimehooligans.wordpress.com
If You’re Happy, Howl at the Moon
If you’re happy and you know it, howl at the moon,
If you’re happy and you know it, howl at the moon,
If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re happy and you know it, howl at the moon.
– Sunflowerstorytime.com
Fingerplay: Two Fat Gentlemen
Met in a glen
Bowed most politely
And bowed once again
“How do you do?”
And “How do you do?”
And “How do you do?” again
“How do you do?”
And “How do you do?”
And “How do you do?” again
– Traditional
Fingerplay: Five Little Piggies
“It’s time for my piggies to go to bed,” the great big mother piggy said.
“So I will count them first to see if all my piggies came back to me.
One little piggy, two little piggies, three little piggies dear
Four little piggies, five little piggies, — yes, they’re all here!”
– Preschool Rainbow
Craft Activities

Print out this three little pigs coloring page or color online!
Create your own three little pigs puppet show with the template available below!

Additional Books
Mr. Pig’s Big Wall
by Glenn Hernández
Mr. Pig only wants to tend to his garden but his neighbor, Little Tortoise, wants him to play. Mr Pig resorts to extreme measures to ensure his privacy but it doesn’t work out like he planned…
Find it in Our Catalog
by Colin McNaughton
Time after time, Preston the pig unknowingly outwits a hungry wolf that is trying to catch and eat him.
Find it in Our Catalog