Board of Trustees

Agenda for Upcoming Board Meeting (August 28)

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Annual Budget Hearing
Wednesday August 28, 2024
5:30 pm Community Room

1. Call meeting to order

2. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
Total time for public comment is limited to 15 minutes.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)

5. New Business
A. Approve Budget for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year (Action Item)
B. Circulation Policy Review (Action Item)

6. Unfinished Business
A. Board Bylaws Review (Action Item)

7. Trustee Concerns (Informational Items)

8. Director’s Report
A. Committee Reports

About the Board

The Madison Library District is a tax-supported, independent, local governmental entity existing under the laws of the State of Idaho. Although the geographic area served by this library is nearly the same as the Madison School District, the library district is not affiliated with the school district, the City of Rexburg, or Madison County.

The library is governed by a Board of Trustees. These five trustees are elected officials who live within the library district and serve without pay. Each trustee is elected for a term of six years, with elections taking place in May in odd years.

The Board meets once each month, usually on the fourth Wednesday at 5:30 pm. Announcements for each board meeting are posted in the main lobby of the library. The public is always welcome at board meetings. If you have items for the agenda, please call the Director at the library (208-356-3461).

  • Chair: Pamela Beard
  • Vice-Chair: Tony Derricott
  • Trustees: Kristine Ballard, Golden Fulcher, Dave Reeser.

Board Terms and Expirations

All board positions are held for a term of 6 years, with elections being held in odd numbered years. The following are the years of expiration for each seat:

2025: Seats A (Tony Derricott) and B (Kristine Ballard).
2027: Seats C (Golden Fulcher) and D (Pamela Beard).
2029: Seat E (Dave Reeser).

Pamela Beard

Tony Derricott



Kristine Ballard



Golden Fulcher



Dave Reeser


Board Meeting Minutes


Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Wednesday January 24, 2024
5:30 pm Activity Room

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director).

2. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

5. New Business
A. Emergency and Public Safety Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read and reviewed this policy aloud as a first reading. The Director will bring this policy with the suggested updates to the February meeting for a second reading.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Collection Development Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read and reviewed this policy aloud.

B. Parking Situation Follow-Up Discussion
It was suggested that some of the Library representatives meet with people from the City of Rexburg. With the goal to discuss the future plans of the Tabernacle and how the Library can best cooperate and protect its interests. The Director will contact the City and who might be available and schedule a time to meet.

7. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
Golden shared information about upcoming legislation that could affect the Library. Noting specifically the two bills one sponsored by the House and one sponsored by the Senate.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 7:42 pm.

____________________________________                                                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                                       Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Wednesday February 28, 2024
5:30 pm Activity Room

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Leslie Harker (Administrative Assistant); Clay Ritter (Idaho Commission for Libraries Representative). Valerie Vail (Secretary) participated by phone. Tony Derricott (Board member) was absent.

2. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden motioned to approve the bills. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
David motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

5. New Business
A. Trustee Training – Clay Ritter
Clay Ritter the Public Library Representative from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, was present. He discussed the proposed legislative bills that would affect libraries in the current legislative session. Mr. Ritter answered questions the Board members had.

B. Annual Statistics Report – Director
Due to illness, this item was tabled until the next meeting.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Emergency and Public Safety Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
Due to illness, this item was tabled until the next meeting.

B. Collection Development Policy Review (Action Item)
Due to illness, this item was tabled until the next meeting.

7. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
No concerns were expressed.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm.

____________________________________                                                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                                       Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Wednesday March 27, 2024
5:30 pm Community Room

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary), Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Lori Robertson (Accountant). Debbie Lawton, (Visitor – Rudd & Co. Representative).

2. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
David moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

5. New Business
A. Audit Report – Rudd & Co. (Action Item)
Debbie Lawton, representative of Rudd & Co., let the Board know that due to being short-staffed, the report for the fiscal year 2022-2023 needed to be postponed. The Board expressed concern and displeasure, as this has been postponed three times. Debbie said that they would be ready to report at the next Board meeting on April 24, 2024.

B. Annual Statistics Report – Director
The Director presented a summary of the Annual Statistics for the fiscal year 2022 – 2023. At the end of the fiscal year, the Library held a total of 169,174 items. Those items were checked out 433,961 times. There were 139,249 visitors. The Librarians answered 26,235 questions. 1,020 programs were offered, with 19,995 people who attended them. The service population of the Library District is 41,503, with 21,128 of them being library card holders.

C. Set Date for Annual Budget Hearing – (Action Item)
Tony moved to set August 28, 2024 at 5:30 pm as the Annual Budget Hearing date. Golden seconded; all voted in favor. The Director will complete the Notification of Hearing form and submit it to the County Clerk.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Emergency and Public Safety Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read through this policy. One minor word change was made for consistency in the document. Golden moved to accept the Emergency and Public Safety Policy as edited. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

B. Collection Development Policy Review Second Reading (Action Item)
The Board read through this policy and suggested adding an appeal form similar to the Request for Reconsideration Form as another step in the process. The Director will draft the form and bring it to the April meeting for review.

7. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
The Trustees discussed participating in the fourth of July parade. Due to little interest and Trustee availability, this suggestion was dismissed.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month. The Director discussed the Library’s participation in the Chamber of Commerce summer youth program. This will be incorporated into the Summer Reading Program that is already established and should not add extra duties for employees.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 7:09 pm.

____________________________________                                                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                                       Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Wednesday April 24, 2024
5:30 pm Community Room

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary), Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Lori Robertson (Accountant) was absent.

2. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. David seconded; all voted in favor.

5. New Business
A. Audit Report – Rudd & Co. (Action Item)
The Director received an email from Rudd & Co. at 4:30 pm indicating they were not able to complete the necessary internal checks and were unable to report at this time. This was tabled to the May meeting.

B. Trustee Vacancy Discussion
After the previous meeting, Carol Brown announced her decision to step down from the Library Board effective in May. Trustee’s agreed to look for potential candidates to fill the vacancy and invite them to attended the April meeting for an informal interview. Several invitations were issued. Candace Rail and Kristine Ballard were the two who accepted and attended the meeting. They were asked a few questions individually. After some discussion, Kristine Ballard was appointed to fill vacancy for Trustee Seat B.

C. House Bill 710 Discussion
There was discussion about how to best protect the Library and the patrons while following this law.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Collection Development Policy Review Third Reading (Action Item)
This was tabled in order to get more information after upcoming meetings with Idaho Commission for Libraries.

7. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
No concerns were brought forth.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 7:33 pm.

____________________________________                                                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                                       Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Wednesday May 22, 2024
5:30 pm Community Room

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, David Reeser, Kristine Ballard (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary), Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director), Lori Robertson (Accountant).

2. Swear in New Board Member – Kristine Ballard
As per Idaho Code 59-401, Pamela Beard, Board Chair, swore in Kristine Ballard as Trustee for the Madison Library District.

3. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no comments.

4. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Dave seconded; all voted in favor.

5. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Dave moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

6. New Business
A. Audit Report – Rudd & Co. (Action Item)
Deb Lawton and Theresa Flannery from Rudd & Co. reviewed a draft version of the Auditor’s Report. There were no major concerns; the Library is solvent and within the anticipated budget. The auditors suggested expanding the FDIC coverage and suggested we look further into the banks we already have for other programs to address this. The delay on reporting is based on a staffing shortage at Rudd & Co. The final report will be presented at the June meeting.

B. Circulation Policy Update & Tiered Cards (Action Item)
In response to House Bill 710 and subsequent changes to Idaho Code, a new section of the Circulation policy was proposed regarding a Tiered Card option. This new classification of cards will offer a parent or legal guardian the ability to set a specific level of restrictions on cards for patrons age 17 and under. An accompanying form was also presented. The Director will address these changes and bring the updated draft to the June meeting.

C. Patron Code of Conduct Update (Action Item)
This policy was read aloud. Changes to Section E regarding public comment in a Board Meeting/Public Hearing were made. These addressed formalizing time limits allotted to speakers, behavioral expectations of attendees, and to set overall amount of time dedicated in each meeting to comments from the public. These updates will be made and the Director will bring this to the June meeting.

D. Library Flood Monument Discussion
The stone monument located on the east side of the building is falling apart. The Director asked the company currently repointing the mortar on the Tabernacle to look at the monument. Due to loose stones and exposed rebar, the foreman placed safety barriers around it. The Director will continue to follow through with this and bring updates to the Board as they are available.

7. Unfinished Business
A. Collection Development Policy Review Third Reading (Action Item)
The Board read through this policy. As per House Bill 710, this policy will now have a Request for Relocation from Minors Form and the process to submit it. The Director will make the changes to this policy and bring it back to the June meeting.

8. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
Pamela reminded the Board that June is the Trustee’s Annual Meeting and that Board officers will be open for vote.

9. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 8:33 pm.

____________________________________                                                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                                       Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Wednesday June 26, 2024
5:30 pm Community Room

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:38 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Kristine Ballard (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary), Lori Robertson (Accountant). David Reeser, (Board member) and Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director) were absent.

2. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills. Kristine seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Kristine moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

5. New Business
A. Annual Meeting and Board Bylaws Review (Action Item)
As this was the annual meeting, the Board decided to elect officers, but tabled the reading of the bylaws until the July meeting. Kristine nominated Pamela as Chair. Golden seconded; all voted in favor. Kristine nominated David as vice chair. Tony seconded. Pamela, Tony and Kristine voted aye; Golden abstained.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Audit Report – Rudd & Co. (Action Item)
Theresa Flannery, a representative of Rudd & Co., talked with the Board about the 2022-2023 fiscal year audit. She noted that in previous years the audit was usually reported to us by February at the latest, and said that her company was making changes to remedy that in the future. Theresa also verified that the $8,000 quote given to us by an employee who no longer works at Rudd & Co. was valid and would be honored by them. Golden motioned to approve the audit as presented. Kristine seconded; all voted in favor.

B. Circulation Policy Update & Tiered Cards (Action Item)
Updates were made to this policy in answer to the changes made to the Idaho Code 18-1517B including the addition of tiered cards to allow the parent to authorize levels of access to materials by reading level. Golden motioned to approve this policy. Kristine
seconded; all voted in favor.

C. Patron Code of Conduct Policy Update (Action Item)
The Board read this Policy. Updates were made regarding service animals in the Library and the outline for patron behavior in public meetings. The Director will make the necessary changes to this policy and bring it back to the July meeting.

D. Collection Development Policy and Forms Review Third Reading (Action Item)
Updates were made to this policy in answer to the changes made to Idaho Code 18-1517B. As required, the addition of a Request for Relocation Form was added and contains the definition of “harmful to minors” as provided in Idaho code 18-1514. These will be made available to the public on July 1 , 2024. Tony moved to approve the updates on this policy, including the forms, as edited. Kristine seconded; all voted in favor.

7. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
No concerns were discussed at this time.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.

____________________________________                                                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                                       Valerie Vail, Secretary


Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting and
Wednesday January 25, 2023
5:30 pm Activity Room

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:33pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Beth Hanson, (Board member) was absent.

2. Amend Agenda (Action Item)
Carol moved to amend the agenda to add discussion/approval of a letter of intent required to complete a grant proposal. Good faith reason; the deadline was given to us two days ago. Golden seconded; All voted in favor.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills as presented. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carrol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

6. New Business
A. Change Board Meeting Dates in February and March.
The Director requested the dates of the February and March Board meeting be moved a week later to allow for the arrival of bills. The Board agreed with the suggestion and the new dates were noted.

B. Board By-Laws
The Board by-laws were updated to reflect that the Board meetings were being governed by the Idaho Open Meeting law requirements. Governance by Robert’s Rules of Order was removed.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:10 pm.


____________________________________                                                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                                       Valerie Lloyd, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday February 22, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Tony called the meeting to order at 5:32pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Beth Hanson, and Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Pamela Beard and Golden Fulcher (Board members) were absent.

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the bills as presented. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. New Business
A. Audit Report – Rudd & Co. (Action Item)
Tina Leishman and Josh Bingham from Rudd & Co. presented the findings of the annual audit of the 2021-2022 fiscal year to the Board. Tina gave the Library District a clean report. She stated that the Madison Library District was in conformity with general accounting principles. There were no major concerns, and the audit was successfully completed. (Note: the auditors left the meeting at this point.)
Formal acceptance of this audit will be made at the March meeting.

B. Annual Statistics Report – Director
The Director presented the statistics and highlighted a few changes from the previous fiscal year. 121,817 people visited the Library compared to 73,109 from previous year. The Library had 113,951 physical items and 47,354 digital items for a total collection size of 161,305. A total of 457,637 items were checked out in the year. The Library had 462 programs, including all ages, with a total attendance of 19,995.

C. Resolution to Move Funds from Zions to ICCU – (Action Item)
The resolution was read by Tony. Beth made a motioned to accept. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Collection Development Policy (Action Item)
The Board read this policy aloud. One typographical error was noted; hyperlinks were checked to be active. Beth motioned to accept the policy. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Tony adjourned the meeting at 6:50 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice-Chairman                                                              Valerie Lloyd, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday March 22, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director).

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the bills as presented. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. New Business
A. Executive Session Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student. (Action Item)
Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (b) and after a roll call vote; Pamela, yes; Beth, yes; Tony, yes; Carol, yes; Golden, yes; the Board entered executive session at 5:58 pm. The Board exited executive session at 6:38 pm.

B. Set Date for Budget Hearing. (Action Item)
Beth proposed that August 16, 2023, be the date set for the annual budget hearing. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

C. Operating Procedures Development Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board reviewed this policy. No changes were made. Beth moved to accept this policy as it stands. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

D. Professional Development Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board read this policy aloud. The word “Administration” was added in two areas in conjunction with “Staff”. The word “online” is to be stricken under employee responsibilities. Tony moved to approve the policy with the changes added. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

E. First Amendment Audit Training
The Director presented information to the Board regarding first amendment audits. She defined what an audit was and what the rights of the people and staff in the area or building have. Instructions on best practices and how to handle this were presented. A YouTube video of an actual audit was shown. There was a question and answer session at the end.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Accept 2021-2022 Audit Report (Action Item)
Beth moved to accept the Audit Report of the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 7:26 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Lloyd, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday April 19, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson, Carol Brown (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director); Leslie Harker (Office Manager).

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the bills as presented. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with formatting errors corrected. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 Minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.

5. New Business
A. Staffing Shortage and Reduction of Hours Discussion
The Director informed the Board about the difficulty the Library is having hiring employees. She informed them that 3 people have been hired. This is a problem many businesses, including both BYUI and Madison and Sugar-Salem School Districts are having as well. This has resulted in the temporary reduction of open hours. Monday evening, Thursday morning, and Saturday afternoon hours have all been reduced by two hours. The Library should be back to normal operating hours by the end of May, provided sufficient people have been hired and trained.

B. Vehicle Use Policy (Action Item)
The Board members read this policy aloud. Golden moved to accept the Vehicle Use Policy with suggested formatting changes. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.

C. Circulation Policy (Action Item)
This policy was read aloud by the Board members. Beth motioned to accept the Circulation Policy with suggested formatting changes. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

D. Community Outreach Discussion
The Director discussed the need to reduce some of the Library’s outreach hours due to staffing difficulties.

6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 6:05 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Lloyd, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday May 17, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Beth Hanson (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Carol Brown (Board Member) was absent.

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the bills as presented. Beth seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Tony moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. New Business
A. Presentation to the Board by Sonya Fulcher
Sonya informed the Board that she had recently attended a Teachers Union meeting which addressed how librarians and teachers are affected by the proposed laws in the House and Senate in the most recent session. She wanted to express gratitude to her local librarians and acknowledged their efforts in joining educators throughout the state.

B. Board Bylaws – Discussion (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the points of the Bylaws referring to election of officers and extended term limits. The Director will update this change and bring this to the June meeting for approval.

C. Internet Safety Policy – Review (Action Item)
The Board read through this policy. Tony volunteered to research information regarding public vs private computer access regulations with reference to Idaho Code 33-27-41.

D. Building Grant
Abby Reeser presented the request for a grant and discussed the likelihood of the Library needing to spend some of its reserves in conjunction with this. The grant is due in June.

6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Lloyd, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday June 14, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Lloyd (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Beth Hanson former Board Member.

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Beth moved to approve the bills as presented. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
It was noted that Carol was absent from the May meeting but had been listed in attendance. This change was noted. Golden moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with the update. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. New Business
A. Swear in New Trustee – David Reeser
Pursuant to Idaho Code 33-2715, Pamela swore in Dave Reeser as the new trustee.

B. Personnel Policy Revision (Action Item)
The Board reviewed the changes from the previous meeting. These changes were regarding business credit card authority and responsibility. The Director will make the changes and bring them to the July meeting.

C. Executive Session Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. (Action Item) Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (b) and after a rollcall vote; Pam (yes), Tony(yes), Golden (yes), Carol (yes), David (yes). The Board Entered into Executive session at 6:00 pm. The Board exited Executive Session at 6:37 pm.

D. Board Bylaws Revision (Action Item)
The Board read and discussed changes. The Director will amend the document and bring it to the July meeting.

E. Internet Safety Policy – Review (Action Item)
This was tabled and will be on the July meeting agenda.

F. Building Grant
After reviewing the estimated costs of an addition as well as missing deadline of this proposal, it was dismissed. Since there was nothing official regarding this no official action motion was needed.

6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday July 19, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). David Reeser (Board Member) was absent.

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol moved to approve the bills as presented. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with the update. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. Unfinished Business
A. Internet Safety Policy – (Review Action Item)
The Board read this policy aloud. Computer terms were updated to reflect current specifications. The Director will make these changes and bring a new draft to the August meeting for approval.

B. Board Bylaws Revision – (Action Item)
The Board read and discussed their Bylaws. The Director will make updates and bring a new draft that includes the suggested changes to the August meeting.

C. Personnel Policy Revision – (Action Item)
The Board read aloud the proposed changes regarding employee responsibility with respect to credit card use. Golden moved to accept the proposed changes. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

6. New Business
A. Preliminary 2023 – 2024 Budget Review
The Board reviewed the projected next fiscal year’s budget. The Accountant and the Director explained proposed adjustments. This budget will be brought to the Annual Budget Hearing in August for further discussion and approval.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pam adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday August 16, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Tony Derricott called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Pamela Beard, (Board Member) was absent.

2. Approve Agenda (Action Item)
David motioned to approve the agenda. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol motioned to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden motioned to approve the minutes from the July meeting amended to note David Reeser’s absence. Carol
seconded; all voted in favor.

5. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

6. New Business
A. Approve Budget for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year (Action Item)
After reviewing the budget, David moved to approve the budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

7. Unfinished Business
A. Internet Safety Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board reviewed and discussed a few updates regarding the technical terminology. Golden motioned to approve the Internet Safety Policy as modified. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

B. Board Bylaws Revision (Action Item)
Golden moved to accept the Board Bylaws as revised. David seconded; all voted in favor.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Tony adjourned the meeting at 6:07 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice-Chairman                                                                        Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday September 20, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Tony Derricott was asked to conduct and called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director).

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Pamela motioned to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol motioned to approve the minutes from the August meeting. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. New Business
A. Social Media Policy Review
The Board read this policy aloud. The Director will contact the Human Resources Risk Manager at ICRMP to make sure the wording is correct in section D, 1, iv. and bring an updated draft to the meeting in October.

B. Preliminary Legislative Discussion
The upcoming legislation session and how proposed changes based on previous sessions may affect the Library was discussed. Golden suggested attending the January 15, 2024 Lobby Day event to discuss issues and meet with legislators. The Assistant Director mentioned a tutorial available from Niche Academy called ‘Fighting for the First’ which gave information on censorship and the right to read. She will send the link to the Board.

6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Tony adjourned the meeting at 6:12 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Tony Derricott, Vice-Chairman                                                                        Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday October 18, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Lori Robertson (Accountant) was absent.

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
David motioned to approve the bills. Golden seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Carol motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. New Business
A. Trustee Training – Clay Ritter
Clay Ritter, the public library representative from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, joined the meeting via Zoom. He discussed upcoming legislative possibilities and implications and advised best practice guidelines. He also suggested that the Library retain legal advice as needed and the Board should stay familiar with current policies, update them as necessary, and ensure they are being followed. Procedures on how to conduct a meeting and ways to handle public comments were also reviewed and discussed.

B. ICRMP Insurance Update
The Director presented an email from ICRMP, who provides insurance for the Library building, contents, and employees, regarding a new exclusion of coverage specific to libraries in the state. This was discussed while Clay was still active in the meeting as he has been meeting with ICRMP representatives regarding this issue. He gave a brief review of ICRMP, including what they do and how they function. The reasons why this change might be necessary for their company sustainability were also discussed.

C. Personnel Policy Update – (Action Item)
The Director discussed updating this policy and job descriptions. The Director will get with the ICRMP Human Resources representative for further information and will bring this information to an upcoming meeting.

D. Bank Signature Card
The Director presented a signature card form from Zions Bank that authorizes signing of checks on specific accounts. All eligible signers, which are the five elected Trustees, the Director, and the Assistant Director, completed the form.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Social Media Policy Review – (Action Item)
The Board read and made changes for clarification relating to posting guidelines. Golden moved to accept the Social Media Policy as revised. Tony seconded; all voted in favor.

7. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:20 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday November 15, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Golden Fulcher, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Tony Derricott (Board member) was absent.

2. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Golden motioned to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.

3. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Golden motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

5. New Business
A. Trustee Training – Hyrum Erickson
The Board was advised to seek legal counsel in preparation for the upcoming legislative session. Hyrum Erickson, who is a lawyer at Rigby, Andrus, and Rigby, a local law firm, has agreed to be a consultant for the Library. Mr. Erickson discussed the ramifications of the change in the insurance coverage and how that would affect the Library. He said that as the law currently stands, both the Library and the employees are not culpable. However, going forward, the Library would be obligated to defend its employees.

B. Collection Development Policy Review
This review was tabled until the December meeting. The Board will read it on their own and come back prepared to discuss it. The Director will email this out to Board members.

6. Unfinished Business
A. Personnel Policy Update – (Action Item)
Golden moved to accept the Personnel Policy update as printed. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

B. Social Media Policy Review – (Action Item)
This policy was discussed and accepted at a prior Board meeting. It was not discussed again at this meeting.

7. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
Pamela, Valerie and Miranda discussed their observations of the Board meeting they attended at the Idaho Falls Public Library. Pamela noted that they have a Trustee Concerns section on their agenda and suggested that we add one to ours. The Board discussed ways to streamline how they order food for upcoming Board meetings.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pamela adjourned the meeting at 7:13 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Vail, Secretary

Madison Library District
Trustee Board Meeting
Wednesday December 20, 2023
5:30 pm Madison Library

1. Call meeting to order
Pamela Beard called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm. Those present: Pamela Beard, Tony Derricott, Carol Brown, David Reeser (Board members); Valerie Vail (Secretary); Lori Robertson (Accountant); Miranda Galbraith (Assistant Director). Golden Fulcher (Board member) was absent.

2. Public Comment
Not scheduled on the agenda (limit 2 minutes); issues may be considered for discussion on a future agenda. Please keep comments on point and respectful.
There were no visitors.

3. Approve Bills (Action Item)
Carol motioned to approve the bills. David seconded; all voted in favor.

4. Approve Minutes (Action Item)
Tony motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Carol seconded; all voted in favor.

5. New Business
A. Board Bylaws – Set New Board Meeting Date & Time
Due to a scheduling conflict, it was decided to set the fourth Wednesday of each month to hold future Board meetings. The meeting time is to remain at 5:30 pm.

B. Collection Development Policy Review (Action Item)
The Board reviewed Collection Development Policies from other libraries. The Director will bring a draft with suggested changes and additions made for further discussion to the Board meeting in January.

C. Parking Situation Discussion
The City of Rexburg has closed the Flood Museum located in the basement of the Tabernacle. They plan to remodel the basement. The proposed plans include meeting rooms. The ramifications of these changes and the current parking situation were discussed. More research will be needed going forward. This will be on the January agenda for further deliberation.

6. Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business to discuss.

7. Trustee concerns (Informational Items)
The Director thanked the Board for their help at the annual Christmas Extravaganza earlier in the month.

8. Director’s Report
The Board members received an email with a summary of events that happened at the Library over the previous month.

Pamela adjourned the meeting at 6:47 pm.

__________________________________                           ____________________________________
Pamela Beard, Chairman                                                                        Valerie Vail, Secretary

Annual Audit

Click here to see the current and previous years.

Regular Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Tuesday - Wednesday: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
  • Thursday: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
  • Friday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Saturday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Sunday: CLOSED

Closures in 2024

  • January 1 – New Year’s Day
  • January 15 – Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
  • February 19 – Presidents Day
  • March 22 – Staff Development Day
  • April 6 – Building Maintenance
  • May 25-27 – Memorial Day
  • June 19 – Juneteenth
  • July 4 – Independence Day
  • August 31 – September 2 – Labor Day
  • September 20 – LCEI Conference
  • October 5 – Building Maintenance
  • October 31 – Open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • November 11 – Veterans Day
  • November 27 – Closing at 5:00 pm
  • November 28-30 – Thanksgiving
  • December 24-26 – Christmas
  • December 31 – New Year’s Eve
  • January 1, 2025 – New Year’s Day


73 North Center
Rexburg, Idaho 83440

We are located on Center Street, just north of Main Street, by the Historic Rexburg Tabernacle.

Contact Us

(208) 356-3461
24 Hour Phone Renewal: (208) 356-6658

Madison Library District

73 North Center
Rexburg, ID 83440
A public library.

About us

Board of Trustees

Library Staff

Library Policies


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