On the Same Page 2020 – An Introduction to Fencing

On the Same Page 2020 – An Introduction to Fencing

On the Same Page 2020 – An Introduction to Fencing

With Dusty Johnson!

Friday, February 21, starting at 7:00 pm in the Community Room

Come learn the basics of swordplay in this hands-on On the Same Page evening for the active and adventurous.

“Proud and insolent youth, prepare to meet thy doom.”
“Dark and sinister man, have at thee!”

Fencing Maestro Dusty Johnson

Mr. Johnson started fencing by joining the SCA then taking a class offered by his university.  He founded the Ricks College Fencing Club in 1987 and later started his own club called Fox Fencing in Southeast Idaho which he ran for thirty years. During this time he took his students to Nationals and the Junior Olympics. He has since retired from teaching fencing.

Safety Concerns

This is a night for adults and teens only (aged 12 and up). Also, you’ll need to sign up for this event at the circulation desk because space is limited.

Peter was a superb swordsman, and parried with dazzling rapidity; ever and anon he followed up a feint with a lunge that got past his foe’s defence, but his shorter reach stood him in ill stead, and he could not drive the steel home. … Hook sought to close and give the quietus with his iron hook, which all this time had been pawing the air; but Peter doubled under it and, lunging fiercely, pierced him in the ribs. At the sight of his own blood, whose peculiar colour, you remember, was offensive to him, the sword fell from Hook’s hand, and he was at Peter’s mercy.

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