“Adventure Cats” by Laura J. Moss

“Adventure Cats” by Laura J. Moss

“Adventure Cats” by Laura J. Moss

Displaying 51eDyKZvFpL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgFinally a book for folks who love the outdoors and would love to enjoy it with their furry partners. My neighborhood isn’t a safe place for unsupervised exploring much to door dashing Gracie’s disgust. I now have a system for getting her leash trained and outdoor approved. I don’t know if she’ll ever take on a surf board or skis, but this summer, Grace is getting out!


Burma the adventure cat strides along a log in the Grand Teton
Adventure cats enjoying a boat ride
Adventure cat surfing
Adventure cat rock climbing
“The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness” by Paula Poundstone

“The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness” by Paula Poundstone

“The Totally Unscientific Study of the Search for Human Happiness” by Paula Poundstone


Can one find happiness behind the wheel of a Lamborghini? How about in an nursing home? A dojo? Paula Poundstone’s not entirely scientific inquiries of these and many other pressing questions are answered in this latest book. From getting connected to getting outdoors, she pursues each possibility with total abandon and laugh out loud results. And down under the mirth, there’s some meat as well. I know which experiments I’ll be exploring.


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