Story Time June 23, 2020
Story Time – June 23, 2020
10:30 am ONLINE on Facebook – ages 2 to 5
This week, we cooked up “royal” fairy tales with kings, queens, princes, princesses, and peas! So, get a spoon ‘n pot and cook up your own fairy tales with these “royal” books and activities.
Early Literacy Tip and Activity:
Using concept words with your children helps to expand their vocabulary. Children need a large vocabulary to be able to learn to read and, just as important, to understand what they read, We want them to learn not only that fire is hot and ice is cold but also that hot and cold are opposites. Concept words show relationships between things.
Recite “The Grand Old Duke of York.” Do it as a knee bounce, bringing knees up for “up” and down for “down,” and then read a book that introduces concepts, such as size, opposites, etc.
Books Presented
A Cooked-Up Fairy Tale
by Penny Parker Klostermann
A hapless young chef, hoping to impress workers at Fairy-Tale Headquarters, cooks some story ingredients he has found, and gives a new twist to familiar tales.
Find it in Our Catalog
Princess Truly
by Kelly Greenawalt
Truly’s magical, sparkling curls have the power to transport her to exciting new places. With curiosity, bravery, and her signature smarts, Princess Truly proves that she can do anything she sets her mind to.
Find it in Our Catalog
Waking Beauty
by Leah Wilcox
Prince Charming tries all sorts of silly ways to wake Sleeping Beauty before he learns how he is really supposed to wake her up.
Find it in Our Catalog
Songs, Rhymes and Fingerplays
Castle Capers
I am the king of running,
I run and run and run.
My subjects all run with me,
And we have so much fun!
I am the prince of turning,
I turn and turn and turn.
My subjects all turn with me
It’s an easy thing to learn!
I am the princess of dancing,
I dance and dance and dance
My subjects all dance with me
And dance when they get the chance!
I am the Queen of jumping,
I jump and jump and jump.
My subjects all jump with me
And sit down with a bump.
Queen Elsa’s Crowns
(To the tune of Mary Wore her Red Dress, using different colored crowns)
Queen Elsa wore her purple crown, purple crown, purple, crown.
Queen Elsa wore her purple crown, every Sunday!
– MissSarahStoryTime.blogspot.com
Curtsy Like a Princess/Bow Like a Prince
(Tune: Skip to My Lou)
Curtsy like a princess just like so
Curtsy like a princess just like so
Curtsy like a princess just like so
Curtsy like a princess!
Bow like a prince just like so…
Juggle like a jester just like so…
Fly like a fairy just like so…
Roar like a dragon, just like so…
– Storytimesecrets.blogspot.com
The Grand Old Duke of York
The Grand Old Duke of York
The Grand Old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men.
He marched them up to the top of the hill
And marched them down again!
And when they’re up, they’re up.
And when they’re down, they’re down.
And when they’re only half-way up,
They’re neither up nor down!
He marched them to the left
He marched them to the right.
He marched them to the top of the hill
And marched them out of sight.
– Traditional
Five Fat Peas
Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed (hold up five fingers)
One grew (hold up one finger)
Two grew (hold up two fingers)
And so did the rest (hold up the rest of your fingers)
They grew and they grew and they did not stop (open and shut hands)
Until one day, the pod went pop! (clap hands together on pop)
Craft Activities

Additional Books
The Princess and the Pea
by Janet Stevens
A young girl feels a pea through twenty mattresses and twenty featherbeds and proves that she is a real princess.
Find it in Our Catalog
The Queen’s Hat
by Steve Anthony
A sudden gust of wind takes the Queen’s favorite hat and blows it all over London, as the Queen’s men give chase.
Find it in Our Catalog