Every year JUMPSTART sponsors a Read for the Record event. They select a title and invite anyone to host an event to read it aloud to a group of children on one day. This year’s selection was Not Norman: A Goldfish Story, written by Kelly Bennett and illustrated by Noah Z. Jones.
Here is a link: https://www.jstart.org/campaigns/read-for-the-record
As children arrive our two story performers greet them and one stamps their hands. This is just for fun and the children love it. Those who come late get their hands stamp during the coloring and craft segment. Our library circulates stamp sets for crafters so we have a large selection. This week we used the Purrfect set, which was… perfect! — the fish bowl image, of course!
We sing a GREETING SONG — The More We Get Together and then we sing an ACTION SONG to focus the group — Hello Everybody, Let’s Clap Our Hands.
Sometimes we begin with a WIGGLE BREAK sort of book.
We invite the children to stand up and do the actions suggested in this silly story. They love this!
Sections include “Who hops”, “Who flies”, “Who slithers”, “Who swims”, “Who crawls” and finally, “Who does them all?”
With every critter we asked, “Does anyone have a pet…frog, rabbit, kangaroo, cow? etc. What fun we all had!
Dear Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Book by Rod Campbell
A child who writes to the zoo for suggestions for a pet might get more than he bargained for. An ELEPHANT, for instance, would be TOO HEAVY. Send it back! (and so forth)
This lift-the-flap classic is full of surprises for toddlers. Great for lap-sharing and also for story time sharing with young children. Now available as a pop-up — even better! Older children trying to persuade parents to let them have a puppy could take some sales tips from this book. 🙂
Can I Keep Him? by Steven Kellogg
A little boy tries to persuade his mother to let him keep a DOG. She says dogs are TOO NOISY. Well, how about a CAT? Mom says G’ma is ALLERGIC to cat fur. What about a FAWN? His requests become increasingly outrageous and mother keeps coming up with practical reasons to say NO.
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
It’s time for another WIGGLE BREAK! Stand up and do the actions suggested in this book! That’s what we did in our story time celebrating the works of Eric Carle.
Turn your head like a PENGUIN.
Bend your neck like a GIRAFFE.
Shrug your shoulders like a BUFFALO.
Wave your arms like a MONKEY.
and so forth…
Buzz wants a pet to enter into the pet competition. He catches a fly that knows his name “Buzzzz” and decides to keep him. He takes it to school, overcomes all sorts of objections, and finally gets to keep his new pet.
The pre-schoolers attending story time loved this story.
This is the first in Tedd Arnold’s hugely successful “Fly Guy” series. There’s even a plush of this popular character!
When Dinosaurs Came with Everything by Elise Broach
Imagine you are a kid and facing yet another excursion of errands with mom.
Imagine how it would be if everywhere you went they were giving away free dinosaurs–the real live roaring kind?
Oops, now imagine what you’re going to do with them all when you get home.
This is just plain fun from beginning to end.
Apparently children have been struggling with persuading parents to let them have pets for a very long time!
Not Norman: A Goldfish Story by Kelly Bennett
about a boy who receives a pet fish for his birthday and wants to trade or return.
After which we sang the silly song
Norman, Norman bo-borman
Fee-Fie-mo-morman. NORMAN!
We then did the author’s name — Kelly, Kelly, bo-belly. Banana-fana-fo-felly. Fee-Fie-mo-melly. KELLY!
And then the artist’s name — Noah, Noah, bo-boa. Banana-fana-fo-foah. Fee-Fie-mo-moah. NOAH!
And then the story performer’s names. Here’s a link to the tune and lyrics of THE NAME GAME song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1xlehyLK5o
We introduce this with a jingle sung to the tune “London Bridge is Falling Down”
Now it’s time to do our craft, do our craft, do our craft
Now it’s time to do our craft — FIND YOUR GROWN-UP!
This week our coloring sheet doubled as our craft. We found our images in the May/June 98 COPYCAT Magazine “Crazy About Critters” activity (page 37). They suggested the images be copied, cut out, and turned into finger puppets. We simply put the
- five “pet” images in a strip 11 inches long by 2.8 inches wide (or three strips per page).
- Children colored the “pets” and then
- taped a drinking straw to one short edge — thus turning the strip into a
- little flag or banner. It was fun to see all the children trooping out waving their banners.